Jeff Wall Inspired · Studio Practice (Semester 2)

Cineamgraphs: Town

After struggling to get our head around doing the cinemagraphs with the flash we decided to give it one last go. We decided to stand at the crossing near the fountain and opposite Princes Quay, this was so we could get people and cars within the shot. As we needed to use the flash as close to someone as possible I decided to model as Charlotte would film. I held the speedlite and as I walked I would flash it in my face. I don’t think this would show up well in the video.

Within this video I walked across the frame, it looks as though I am following a man, however that’s not the case. With this cinemagraph the plan was to have me still and then have the traffic pass me, however the flash didn’t pick up on the video so we will have abandon this one for now.

We then decided instead of seeing the side of me that we see the front of me instead, so I walked by the camera and out of the shot. This way you can see my face and this can be the focus of the cinemagraph. I pressed the flash as I walked by, however in this instance the flash is too subtle. We’ll have to change the power output and try it again.

In this video you can see the flash very clearly, however it’s not very flattering. But it is something! I think what I will need to do is pause the part when the flash is fired and then have the background moving.

With this attempt the movement is very subtle after the car goes by, all you can see is the flag flickering and some people moving near the bus stop. Like I said earlier it’s very unflattering this flash, and you can also see that I am holding the speedlite in my hand. Also there is some soft focus with the image of me.

Charlotte suggested that I do the cinemagraph of me walking and then flash is what freezes me, I then wanted to add the other cinemagraph to the end of this, but because after the flash I carry on moving, there was no way to mask it out. This also meant that you couldn’t see the car at first, which would mean it looked as though it was coming out of nowhere.

I feel like this is the best I can do and that my other cinemagraphs which I used without flash were a lot more successful than these ones.

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